Wednesday 8 February 2012

Monday 6 February 2012

Evaluation Question One

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real existing media products ? 

Click here to view evaluation question one

Images taken for Film poster & Magazine front cover

Here are the range of images we took for our front cover and film magazine front cover. We decided to take the images on a cold day in january as this would give the images a eerie effect as lighting is naturally bright however crisp.

We decided to have just Zara, Khloe and Sophia in the photographs and not Jenny (Although she is a plays a big role in out campaign). We decided this because of the irony that Jenny miraculously dissapears in the actual movie, so she is not in the poster to signal to the audience something happens to her; This would hopefully lure the audience into watching our horror movie as it would make them want to know what happens to Jenny.

We decided to frame our poster with the characters in the centre of the page against a tree. The object of a tree signifies the genre of horror as tree's in winter (with no leaves) turn a very dark shade which are streotypically 'freaky'. I decided the formation of the characters in order of friendship groups. Khloe and Zara are bestfriends and would obviously be together reguardless and are on a 'team'. Sophia is placed on the other side to highlight this also.

The close-mid shot images were taken also in preperation for our film poster and magazine front cover. As you can see, Sophia (the main protagonist) is placed in the middle framing in the centre of the camera shot looking straight into the camera. This is to create a personal connection between the audience and to also build suspense. Khloe and Zara are also placed behind sophia to convey who is plays the main role and input into the film campaign. Khloe & Zara are slightly facing Sophia who is in the middle; this is to show that Khloe and Zara are against Sophia, that she is the enemy in the film. I also decided to take a shot of this behind a leafy background to show suspense of the setting of the movie, as sterotypically, woods and trees are signified to be 'Freaky' and eerie.

This is the image we decided to use for our magazine front cover. From our research, we have seen film magazines with only one or two of the main protagonists' which are usually out of role. We have kept Zindzi in-role of the character Sophia as we image the article to be about the movie and her character in it. We have tried to make this image personal and significant by framing her in the center and fully facing the camera.

For instance, this magazine front cover has the main protagonist in the centre upclose and personal to also give the audience an insight of what kind of horror movie it is.

Evaluation Question Two

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?