Wednesday 8 December 2010

Evaluating production work

This is also a screenshot simply showing the development of my front cover and my contents page, bearing in mind these are unfinished. They have both been developed on Photoshop. This is also to show how the contents page and the front cover contrast together and compare the similarities and the differences.

Evaluating production work.

This is another screenshot i have developed to show how I changed the smoothness/Sharpness of this photo to soften the colours and allow them to brighten and blend together. This also gives his complexion a matte finish which has also brung out a bright brown colour at the same time.

Evaluation production work.

This is a photo i have taken which i have decided to transfer into black and white to create a dingy atmosphere for the article. I have achieved this by simply clicking on tools and image correctiona nd adjusting the contrast, saturation and the brightness. I now have a sucessfully changed image.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Research on contents pages

This is mixmag's contents page which is significant to my magazine as it relates to it remarkably. Its background colour, black is an idea I have taken in to account and I will apply to my contents page also. The variation of fonts and the outburst in the main photo is also inspiring.

This is NME'S contents page which hugely inspires my magazine contents page image and font type wise. overall it looks a bit mad and random which is exactly how I would like to create my contents page, the colours are extremely vibrant which isn’t really how I would approach my music magazine contents page but however certainly works in this case.

Photography analysis

This image was taken in a location which I thought about carefully before going ahead with the idea. I decided to shoot the variation of photos in Acland Burghley behind top pitch which is covered in graffiti because it suits the artist type and the target audience I am aiming for.
This photo is edited by adjusting the hue, contrast, sharpness, brightness and colour. I simply did this on apple images. This image is of Nathan posing as the artist subjecting my music magazine. This is a midshot dedicated for the front page. I decided Nathan should wear headphones around his neck and have a cigarette in his mouth to imply the type of artist he is and also dedicate to the target audience as these would be the type of people he would be aiming his music at, it also shows rebelliousness which connotes his age, an 18 year old which says that he is no different from his target audience in which automatically builds a relationship between them.
These are some of the photos I have taken to go into my magazine UNEDITED.

A close up to infer personality hense the big smile.
Another mid shot of the artist hanging of a balcony to show the normality of his life outside music