Tuesday 15 November 2011

Theodor Adorno

Theodor Adorno developed a theory which argued that capitalism fed people with the products of  a 'culture industry' which is the opposite to true art in his eyes. This was mostly used just to keep the audience passively satisfied and politically apathetic.

Popular culture was identified as the reason for people's passive satisfaction and lack of interest in overthrowing the capitalist system.

Adorno suggested that culture industries churn out a debased mass of unsophisticated, sentimental products which have replaced the more 'difficult' and critical art forms which might lead people to actuallyquestion social life.

Adorno said that these were all peoples false needs which were practically taking over peoples actual lives,False needs are cultivated in people by the culture industries. These are needs which can be both created and satisfied by the capitalist system, and which replace people's 'true' needs - freedom, full expression of human potential and creativity, genuine creative happiness.

Theodor Adornos theory is basically saying that almost all forms of media such as films TV programs are false needs which humans have in their lives which are created by culture industries. They are the opposite to 'true needs' which are social values and classical values such as shakespeare. 
The question he would ask us is if our trailer and movie campaign is cultivating the theory of False needs and Commodity Fetishism. Our trailer is cultivating these needs. New movies are obviously trying to make a profit and aims for the audience to purchase our goods and services. They are false needs as we apply our campaign to the uses and gratification theory in which it would most likely fall under the category of diversion as it is an escapism of every day lives, a hobby to go and watch a movie and enjoy being thrilled by the genre of horror.

Theodor Adorno's theory is developed further  on http://www.theory.org.uk/ctr-ador.htm

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