Tuesday 6 December 2011

The exchange student film poster ideas; Flat planning.

Before we could take our own images and develop a film poster on Photoshop, research had to be put in place. Our ideas are a mixture of exsisting and origional forms of different horror movie campaigns. After the research, we hand drew a few ideas of vaigly what the film poster would look like, where the main image and  font would be formationed and why/ what would it convey to our 15+ audience. These ideas have been explored on to a peice of paper to get a real idea of what we were creating.

The title/typography
The title on the flat plans is mostly along the top. The 'the'  in the title will be smaller than the rest of the title. It will be in a serious classical horror font type which will be white with deep red splatters of blood on to it conveying death and horror. the title will fill up the whole of the top of the poster and will be on a dark background wether just plain black or a dark fade out of the main image.

The main image
The main image is probably the most significant part and the most hardest to choose. For us, the main image must convey horror, suspicion, dominance, abnormality and bitchyness all at the same time if Khloe and Jenny are going to be included aswell. The close up of the three girls is probably the most sucessful for conveying this message to the audience. Lighting will be used effectivly to create chairo scuro shadows to signify the whole concept of horror and costumes of sophia will be her usual foreign dress which has a collor (ideas of mis-en-scene- was formed from the movie The Orphan) Camera will be fully focused on Sophia however slightly off focus on Jenny and Khloe. Attitude for Khloe will be very much like Regina George forming the mean girl attitude; high maintainance and arrogant as the 3 Girls are the popular girls of the school. 

The slogan is not yet 100% set in stone and can change at any point but on the flat plans we have written "A stranger comes to college" I have chosen this because that is literally what happens, a Stranger (an abnormal female from a forergn country) comes to an english college and becomes 'friends' with 3 popular girls. Other ideas for the slogan inlcude "Estonia's Finest..." or "Dont let her in..." or "Young girls will kill" or "The kindest go first". Slogans are meant to give a small insight of what the movie is about, something to lure the audience in to want to watch the movie. slogan will also be formationed at either the top of the poster, ironically underneith the title, or at the bottom of the page.

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