Tuesday 28 June 2011

AS reflection on media studies

During year 12 media studies, we explores a lot of themes/aspects and introduced us to many new different things for instance

  • Blogging 
  • Advanced photoshopping
  • adapting to apple macs
  • iMovie
  • Flipcams
  • Pages
  • Terminology 
  • Shot types 
  • Editing
  • Mis en scene
  • Writing a certain amount under a timed conditions
  • Tripods

 We learnt how to do new methods of creating, or researching. For instance this would include the magazines we created for our coursework, had to research a lot of magazines which had different styles and decide what we wanted our ma we magazine to infer,  research also included into the music industry as it was based around our exam. We reflected and summarized back on this by drawing an island to represent out experience with Mr Mazzochi in Media Studies Acland burghley.

The Following points represent different experiences for different times of the year

  • It starts on with sunshine on the island as i came in to the new year very optimistic and got on with my work in lessons and had a good relationship with the teachers and completing coursework and homework deadlines to the best of my ability.
  • The palm tree in the middle of the island represents a comfort zone, with me showing comfort in the subject and growing to enjoy and learning new things as i go along.
  • the grey clouds which occur mid way in the island are representing the stressful times and pressure as it begins to rain, this would be times like exam build up and the amount of revision which had to be complete
  • it then becomes sunny again as i came out of the exam feeling that i tried the best that i could and could only wish for the best and remain optimistic. 

The island is a summary of the year i had  with my class and teachers. despite ups and downs media studies is a good subject which I find comes almost naturally to me.

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