Tuesday 13 September 2011

Annotated codes and conventions; Limitless.

Limitless is a action film released in 2011. It is about a male whos life is turned around by taking pills which miraculously make him outstandingly smart and he can talk his way around anything or get the job he wants due to his outstanding knowledge and sudden talents. the fact that this is fictional is shown through the conventions of the film poster.
The poster uses the usual conventions of a film poster which are pointed out and annotated above. The poster includes some special effects such as the blurr of the city lights which are shown to convey a fastpace living relating to the city they are in (new york) and the males lifestyle change. Already, some clues about the movie are being revealed. 
The features it uses are listed and annotated around the poster 

Features elaborated
  • Credits publushed along the top in a orderly fashion naming the significant characters of the movie. This is a signal to the audience to introduce them to the characters in the movie and hopefully lure them in to see it.
  • The depiction of themes used in the poster is dedicated to the conventions of the movie itself. It is depicting urban modern speed which the poster is presenting. A modern city in USA in an urban development with a fast pace lifestyle. this can show a lot about the movie and the characters withtin to the audience.
  • Not every film poster includes a strapline however this one does, this gives the audience an insight of the actual storyline however also a memorable quote which can relate to audiences lifestyles also "everything is possible, when you have an open mind".
  • The film title has the largest font so it dominates the whole poster and is recognisable.

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