Sunday 9 October 2011

Planning 'The exchange student'

 This was writing down all ideas which came to our heads about dialouge and textual conventions on screen whilst trailer was progressing. we needed to think up ideas of how we could use dialouge to explain the story line without using voiceovers which horror trailers do not tend to have.

The films we would like to base our film idea around would be The Orphan and Mean Girls.

The idea of the Orphan is that there will be a abnormal outcast female who the film is all about . A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9-year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be. Unchained events begin to unravel and the family begin to discover who she really is. 

Here is the trailer for the orphan 

 As you can see it is a sub genre of slasher/mystery horror. The trailer clearly follows the TODOROV theory; the beginning, moods are mellow as the family are about to adopt a 9 year old girl into their family however 'ester' begins acting strange and harms several people around her. A lot of screaming is present by almost all the characters and sharp camera angles/movement. However this trailer leaves an extreme cliffhanger at the end as the words on screen "you'll never guess her secret" automatically lure the audience in and raises a huge suspense. 
We would like our trailer to relate to this as our story-line (see story planning blog post) is very similarly based around a girl who is different and hasn't been figured out yet. The conventions used in this trailer can potentially fit into our trailer. Reactions gained by the audience are the reactions we would like the target audience to feel whilst watching the trailer for 'The exchange student' for example, the fast pace edits and the low key lighting. 

Mean girls: however it has nothing in relation to horror, the idea of 4 teenage girls in a school is what we would mostly  be filming and that is what mean girls is based around.
here is the trailer 

Some of the shots and conventions used in this trailer would be suitable for our trailer also as representation of 4 popular females in college is important to convey this to the audience as they would either form a liking towards them or a negative attitude however we are seeking a mixture of this. 

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