Monday 3 October 2011

Multi-modal texts

Multi-modal texts are very significant to media, and in this case, film trailers. multi modal texts are Characterized by several different modes of activity or occurrence. A film trailer is an example of this as there are several different types of media on screen all happening at the same time, for instance, written texts on screen whilst the words are said aloud. 

Features and conventions of mutimodal texts
  • Written text on screen- this can include the distribution & production companies, cast, storyline hints, dates or settings ect...
  • Spoken language- when diagetic dialouge or voiceovers  is used to build a storyline and gives insights of the movie
  • Moving images- for instance if it is an action movie, images are likley to be at a very fast pace, establishing the settings
  • Sound effects- setting a tone for the film enticing the audience and enhances the audiences attention.
  • Music-Works in conjuction with the images on the screen also setting a tone and pace for the film. Can also be used to build tension and atmosphere with a sense of anticipation.

Here are 3 film trailers which can be analysed usuing multi-modal text


 As we can tell from the multimodal text, this movie is an action movie. The first image splatters on screen with the production company then moves swiftly on the the next one whilst dialouge begins to tell and outline the story. The music fades out when significant dialouge is being played however the fast pace rock music is setting a dangerous scene and building tension in the movies atmosphere. special effects are also applied as the screen turns different contrasts when the main character,Taylor Lautner,  is in a different mood. This trailer uses most forms of multi modal texts.
Typography, visual images and sound work together to create meaning and affect the audience mainly to reinforce the messege which the trailer is trying to get across to the target audience, depending on  the genre, this may add a sence of anticipation of excitment to the audience to intruige them into the film, in this case, abduction is a action thiller so multi-modal texts is cooperating to unsettle the audience and highlight a disturbed equilibrium as sound is muted in moments such as when his 'family' (the characters whom he thinks are his mother and father) are said not to be his biological parents. This conveys how Taylor Launtner is actually feeling; frozen, shocked, confussed as all sound and movement is more or less muted.



This movie however is a complete different genre, romcom (romantic comedy). Like usual the production company is the written text on screen firstly and popular sountracks work in conjunction with  the spoken language and moving images on  screen as this is a more light mooded film with a relaxed atmosphere. Considering romcoms are fictional and are not taken as serious as action/thriller movies are the audience will naturally be more relaxed and feel more at ease when watching this trailer, it is a comedy and it is made for the target audience to find humerous and funny at times. Typography, visual images and sound work together to create meaning and affect the audience mainly to reinforce the messege of the story line. As it is a humerous movie, typograophy will be more normal and in a bubbly manor rather than bold sharp and serious such as abductions. This works in conjunction with the visual images on screen as they are prominently colourful and the mis-en-scene gives off a rather positive vibe. In which this works in conjunction with the sound as sound is positive bubbly and upbeat.

Multi-modal texts applied.
Age of heros

Written text on screen-

Distribution and production companies.
Date and setting '1942' this sets the scene and informs the audience.
Reinforces and informs audience of the storyline/actors/directors and important dates so the audience can guess the genre and gist of the film. Anchors text also as it is said and written, making the messege even more powerful.

Spoken Language

Dialouge progresses and builds up the storyline, mainly the commander which is presumably the main character signalling the audience as he is a popular actor. repitition is present as commander explains how he is building an 'elite team'
Bits of dialouge are selected to outline the storyline for example, when the commander speaks it tells the story; ''we need an elite team'' this outlines the unsettles equilibrium and issues arised.

Moving Images

Guns, explosions, people running. people shooting and fighting agressivley is present throughout the whole trailer mostly set in snowy montane areas or rural land.
this is all mostly taken place at a fast pace to unsettle the moods and relate to the genre (action).

Sound effects
Gunshots, Banging loudly as words place on screen, plane/jet noised to connote the subject of war.
Digetic sound to entice the audience with loud noices which will enhance their attention toward trailer and also sets a tone for the movie.

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