Wednesday 5 January 2011

Evaluation question 2

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience will be UK based and will be for a target audience aged people 16-23. It is equally for males and females and is completely unisex. This is for any race and people of any class, however, majority of them would be students (college students and university students). I have chosen this target audience because the genre of music relates to them significantly as more young people are listening to dub step recently and going to party’s/clubs which are very dub step and drum'n'bass based. This is more aimed at an audience which is on a low-middle income as they are young and the majority of them will perhaps be in university debt and have a limited supply of money which relates significantly back to the price of the magazine. The actual price of the magazine would be £3.10 which is atleast 50 pence less than NME and mixmag, this is also significant to the audience as it infers them and what they can afford which relates back to my previous point about low-middle incomes. This price works significantly and is rather cheap considering it is a magazine which is being sold monthly, however it would be quite expensive if it was a weekly magazine. This will be a magazine, which is sold monthly and will contain up to date events and albums that are taking part in the month that the magazine is being produced.  My audience would listen to this music mostly through the internet (YouTube) and possibly on social networking pages which also relates significantly to the target audience.My music magazine would also fit in to the uses and gratification theory. As my magazine is for older teens/young adults, this would simply be an act of diversion because it’s all about things which are diversion-acted. On the other hand this can hold aspects of personal identity as it is about young artists and people like themselves which have a party-filled lifestyle

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