Wednesday 5 January 2011

Evaluation question 5

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Through my research and planning of magazine publishers, i have discovered that magaiznes are distributed and delieverd to its audience in very different ways. Some are extremly focussed on webbased forms and their website is a huge percentage of the mechindise. However sdome are mainly printbased and have poor websites, this is to attract people to buy the magaizne pirntbased rather than just go online all the time.
Traditionally, The institutuion my music  magazine might me distributed in newsagents and big supermarkets such as tescos and sainsburys. Prehaps not supermarkets like Marks and Spencer as it is a general Luxury supermarket and mainly caters for higher incomes. This also applies because the target audience are not going to be on high incomes so they would be shopping ast supermarkets such as tesco's not Marks and Spencers.
My magzine would probably not be distributed in shops such as HMV as the genre of music that i am promoting is not massivey produced in mainstream stores such as HMV. However my magazine will most likley appear in vinal stores as the type of music is based around vinal discs which djs use rather than CDS or tapes. My magzine would also probably not appear in formal shops such as Borders which does have a large array of music publications.
More modernly, my magazine will be massivley distributed through an online based distribution. I developed this idea through my research and planning by looking at existing magazines websites (e.g. The website would be very engaging and loaded with useful relevent stuff for example free mp3 downloads and links indate clothes shops to engage the audience. Apps for ipods/iphones and mobile phone applications would also be a relevent way to distribute my music magazine to the target audience as the target audience i am aiming at is a very digital screened social group. 
Useage of puff and earpeice is also quite important to my music magazine theme. As festivals and events for young people are often partly based around drum and bass and dubstep this is significant because to my advantage, i can advertise freebies including tickets to places which will act as a lure to the audience. I will also be promoting the gigs and festivals. 

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