Tuesday 2 November 2010

Introduction task breifing

The main subject of this blog is a music magazine of my choice. This includes deciding the target audience, genre, and all of the other codes and conventions. I have to make this as successful as possible in order to receive a good coursework grade. 

My music magazine importantly will be commercial dub step and drum'n'bass. I have chosen this because commercial dub step is very new to the music market and is slowly creeping up in the charts and will imaginably by very popular as time and charts progress. It will be UK based and will be for a target audience aged people 16-23. It is equally for males and females and is completely unisex. This would be for any race and people of any class, however, majority of them would be students (college students and university students). I have chosen this target audience because the genre of music relates to them significantly as more young people are listening to dub step recently and going to party’s/clubs which are very dub step and drum'n'bass based. This will be a magazine, which is sold monthly and will contain up to date events and albums that are taking part in the month that the magazine is being produced.

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