Friday 19 November 2010

Magazine prices.

The magazine I would have to relate my magazine to is mixmag. The price of miming is around £4, however if you subscribe, it is £36 plus extras. This infers that this magazine is for people with a standard disposable income rate as it is not a very cheap magazine, this could also imply their class. This also infers that the magazine is quality and contains various and lots of different pages. Relating back to my magazine, I would personally make the price a bit lower as I am implying it to a wider audience so it would be more affordable at around £2-3. This would infer that my target audience is of a lower disposable income or a higher disposable income; this promotes equality as it is aimed at a mix of genders, ethnicities, class and races.

This magazine is also aimed at a similar target audience I would like to attract to my magazine. However the price of this magazine is £2.80 and unlike mixmag, this is more in the price range of what I would price my magazine at because is caters the target audience as it is not to expensive so people with a low expendable income can afford to buy this. This also supports the equality device that I would like to promote throughout my magazine.

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