Wednesday 21 September 2011

Distribution Information

Without distriubution companies, film production wouldnt exsist. All potential production work has to have a distribution company assigned to them to pay for things such as mainly P&A (production & advertisment) which are two of the most important elements to distibution of a film or any form of media.
What is acquisition?
  • Acquisition is asset or object bought or obtained. In media distributing company’s acquisition is an act of purchasing, so the distribution companies buy/obtain the film production of the producers. 
  • A third-party sales agent, acting on behalf of a producer
  • A continuous flow of new content from a parent studio
  • A studio or production company with whom the distributor has negotiated an output deal covering a slate of titles
  • A single title acquired at any stage before, during or after production

Major distributors
1.      Major distributors are companies such as Columbia pictures, Paramount pictures ect... these types of companies tend to have acquisition over the major film directors with big cast in
Independent distributors
2.      An independent film, or indie film, is a film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly outside of major film studios. The term also refers to art films which differ noticeably from most mass marketed films. In addition to being produced by independent production companies, independent films are often produced and/or distributed by subsidiaries of major studios. In order to be considered independent, less than half of a film's financing should come from a major studio.
3.      A measure of the ability of a security to be bought and sold. If there is an active marketplace for a security, it has good marketability. Marketability is similar to liquidity, except that liquidity implies that the value of the security is preserved, whereas marketability simply indicates that the security can be bought and sold easily. This has the potential of being sold and becoming popular to have marketability
4.   Playability means something which is capable of or suitable for being played or played on and has the potential.

5.      -The ideal time for a distribution deal to be in place would be when the film is not yet produced or filmed in any way as the distribution companies can help out and set a budget for the film.

6.   -The UK film council can often get involved in filming production. The national lottery also can sometimes fund UK film productions.
7.     - Ticket sales generate more money for films in the UK than home entertainment market.
8.    -A Distribution plan is a mutual fund's plan to charge distribution costs such as advertising to the investors of the fund. This includes where to distribute the money for example, £100,000 on billboard advertisements, £20,000 on magazine advertisements ect...

9.    -The BBFC (British board of film classification) is in charge of awarding film classification certificates. It is A highly expert and experienced regulator of the moving image (especially film, video/DVD and video games), and also a service provider for new and developing media.

10 This is a digram showing the outcomes of strategies of distribution ect...

This is a distribution cost graph which shows what exactly P&A will include and print prices depending on the budget and the publicity of the film potentially.

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