Wednesday 14 September 2011

Film posters & links to uses and gratification

Having studied film posters this term, it is apparent that certain
forms and conventions are applied. 

 The Uses and Gratifications theory look at the idea that the media audience make active use of what the media has to offer. There are 4 main components which are the audiences needs, which are met by the media in one aspect or another, and the 4 main reasons are:

  1. Diversion: A form of escape from everyday pressures, and a release from everyday life.
  2. Personal Relationships: A companionship is gained through the identification with the TV character. There is also a sociability factor through discussing the TV events amongst others.
  3. Personal Identity: Where the person is able to compare their own life with the TV characters/situations occurring, which then leads to individual problems and perspectives.
  4. Surveillance - Information about current events and what is occurring in the world.
 This is also known as DaPPS.

The codes and conventions of this horror film poster can link significantly to the uses an gratifications theory as that is the prime element of film posters; to imply the target audience, give insights of the narrative, Depict  which of the 4 categories of gratification it is. this film poster is implying the title of the movie as someone is dragging a young girl downwards, assumably to hell. The target audience seems like Young-middle aged adults from looking at the straight serious typography. Gratification would probably be diversion/distractions purley a movie for the uses of horror movies.

Insidious is a very modern horror movie which made many veiws.
A large title which attracts the eye, bold colours which stand out
from the background, intriguing picture which would attract viewers to
the film, persuasive language which might persuade the viewers to go
and see the film, using the main character's name for promotion, and
the certification will either to ensure that the right type of people
are watching the film. Lighting colour and tone effect the atmosphere dramatically in this case, low key lighting is dominant and uses an important media effect called chairoscuro which is an italian term for when dark shadows and minimal are used to create atmostpheres and effects.

The Uses and gratification for this film seems to be a more prominently male audience. This can easily  be assumed as the font is stencil-like and sharp.  the colors and effects on the images also implies that it can be aimed at males. this gratification may be a mixture between diversity and surveillance as this seems more of a serious non fiction horror.

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